Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Hoping for some change

So I've been slacking on my daily mom challenges again. I've read them off my list, but haven't really put them into practice in my life. I really don't know why it's so hard?! I feel overwhelmed most days. And I keep feeling like a complete failure as a mom, wife, friend, sister, daughter.......

I got a book at church at the beginning of Lent, & you guessed it, I'm just now starting it. :/ This is my fav sentence, "There's plenty of Lent left in front of me to work on that kind of transformation in my life." That transformation to me is getting rid of some bad things in my life & letting some new & good things stay & come into my life.
I am SO not a perfect person. I'm not a perfect Catholic. I'm still learning what I believe and what I want in my life. It's hard figuring this out with 2 kids driving me crazy. Even when I have my "mommy time" I still can't figure it out. My mind just RESTS. I go to the park & just enjoy the Quiet. It's a luxury anymore to have some quiet time lol

I pray God intervenes in my life & those of you who read this. I hope we can figure out what we want in our lives & be the person who God wants us to be.

It's the 3rd week of Lent. 2 more weeks :)

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Feeling judged sucks...

I never let it bother me until today. I totally forgot to get dishwasher detergent at Walmart while kids were in school so I took them with me. Emma wore her CUTE school uniform jumper today & to add more cuteness she even had the pigtails :) As we were walking through the store, I noticed several people doing the "double look." Like they see her, look away then turn back & stare. And while staring u can totally see disapproval. Really. I wanted to smack one lady bc she actually VOICED her opinion to her husband....'that poor child must go to that CATHOLIC school.' Ummm really??? It's a better school than ANY school in this area. To refrain from voicing my own opinion, we took a detour to the cleaning supplies.
Only in the checkout line was a little old lady who came behind us & said Emma had beautiful eyes. She said, she looked so precious. :) I'm glad she was not judgmental bc it made me feel better. I didn't feel so upset.

Since becoming Catholic myself, I have realized that people judge bc they just don't understand & most of the time they don't want to. They just want to go on with life & never change & never learn anything new. I'm so glad I stepped out of my comfort zone in life & did some learning. It just makes sense. I feel like a better person now, than before. But I will never judge someone for what they believe in again & my kids are goin to learn this too! It's just not worth arguing over. God loves us all & that's all that matters :)

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Just feelin crappy

Well my daily mom challenges are not going well. I never did well with not yelling at my kids. I yell at them daily. I even do it when it's nothing to yell at them about! I'm frustrated. I'm annoyed. I just feel like a CRAPPY mom. Why is it SO hard to not yell at my kids?
It's a BEAUTIFUL day & I just feel like crap. :/

Friday, March 2, 2012

Daily Mom Challenge

Today's challenge is, I will not yell at my kids today. So far so good & the day is half way over! Biggest challenge is after school. They are usually bursting with energy & don't listen to me.....Wish me luck! :)


I was successful with my mom challenge yesterday!! When we got home from school we changed clothes, went to Nana & Popaws house, rode bikes, played on the tire swing, threw sticks in the creek & followed them, played in sandbox & the kids played in our little pond...

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Total FAIL...

I totally failed on my mom challenge yesterday. I stayed on my phone to keep my sanity. Emma didn't mind. She didn't feel great so she just sat on my lap while I explored Pintrest, checked twitter & Facebook & ordered some of Codys bday decor with free shipping! Oh & we also played Angry Birds & Pirate Fleet.
I hate how my phone has become a big part of my life. I can't totally give it up but I need to stop depending on it so much. So I've decided I'm going to spend the day with my kids after school today. No playing on my phone! I will have it for taking cute pics but that's it!! My kids are more important than games & responding to tweets or comments!!!